Gourmet spots

Culinary highlights and restaurants

Eating out in ischgl
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Culinary variety

Ischgl, a paradise for foodies

All restaurants at a glance

Where can you enjoy traditional Tyrolean Speckknödel alongside Mediterranean pasta dishes and exquisite gourmet creations? Food lovers and hungry holidaymakers know that Ischgl offers a great variety of culinary highlights.

The Tyrolean Alps are a hotspot for foodies. Guests and locals alike love the varied cuisine served at Ischgl’s restaurants – always with a side of crisp mountain air.

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Restaurant variety
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Take-away options

Delicacies to go

Perfect for a picnic

After an eventful day, you want nothing more than to head straight back to your cosy accommodation, but you haven’t eaten yet? Don’t worry, many restaurants in Ischgl offer takeaway food you can enjoy at your holiday accommodation.

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Simply delicious

The culinary highlights of Ischgl

Delicacies for every taste

A trip to the Paznaun valley is also a journey of flavours. Sample your way through the region’s many traditional treats and enjoy the variety of Ischgl’s cuisine! For instance, don’t miss the chance to try traditional Speckknödel, Tiroler Gröstl, Kaspressknödel, “Tiroler Marend” Brettljause or savoury Kasspatzln. Ischgl also has a lot on offer if you have a sweet tooth: Traditional desserts range from irresistible Kiachl and Strauben to mouth-watering Moosbeernocken and Tyrolean “Melchermuas”.

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