Restaurant "Bärafalla" ... people enjoy padding around in the Bärenfalle!
Lured by the gourmet scent, the bear proceeded with care. Then moved hastily, exclaiming: What a treat! But he hadn’t seen the trap and could then walk no more. So, there he stayed - guzzling and drinking wholeheartedly, feeling just dandy!
Do as he did and let yourself fall!
Restaurant and Pizzeria. Tradition and cosiness. Winter and summer guests in Ischgl discovered the Bärafålla long ago, and have come to love and cherish it.
Monday – Sunday
10:00 - 00:00
Monday – Sunday
10:00 - 23:00
Summer: kitchen from noon to 10:00 pm
Winter: kitchen from noon to 10:00 pm pizza from noon to 11:00 pm